Thursday 26 November 2015


Bhagavadgita Yoga and Psychology

सर्वोपनिषदो गावो दोग्धा गोपालनन्दनः।

पार्थो वत्सः सुधिर्भोक्त दुग्धं गीताम्रुतं महत्॥

Veda based ecology, Upanishad based methodology and Gita based psychology have become very relevant for today’s world. Vedas highlight the attitude one has to develop towards mother Nature, lack of which, is resulting in calamities like unseasonal rains, floods, cloud bursts, earthquakes, heat waves etc.  Upanishads give us the processes and tools with which, we can transform our lives to achieve health, happiness and prosperity. Finally Bhagavadgita, the current topic, explains how one should handle the mind which when mastered can result in un-paralleled growth, but when let loose, would become a root cause for complete deterioration. Gita beautifully explains this with the help of Partha who had to suffer because of his apartha (misunderstandings), mind calming and mind reading techniques used by Krishna to convert boiling mind into a blooming mind. In essence, how we the modern day parthas have to cultivate our own inner Krishnas to achieve peace of mind. In a nutshell, Vedas, Upanishads and Bhagavadgita are the three tools to overcome adhidaivika, adhibhoutika and adyatmika tapatrayas.

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