In this fifth chapter, the word Sanyasa is repeated many times. Today the word Sanyasa
has become controversial with different interpretations from different people.
Say for example, people make statements like, "Tendulkar has taken Sanyasa
from Cricket". What is the meaning of Sanyasa? Is it an Ashrama? We have
branded this Sanyasa with a dress code and an institutional barrier. Is it
really so? What does Shastras say about it?
We have Ashrama system based on Psychological
developmental stages of human beings. While young, children are curious to
explore the world and learn about all those things they see around them.
Shaishava, Balya and Kaumara put together is called as Brahmacharya Ashrama. Knowledge acquisition is the corner
stone of this Ashrama.
According to ancient and modern psychology, a child
should be under the parental care only for the first 8 years. During these 8
years, the child should grow under mother's care, where she corrects three
doshas namely Kama Vada (speak what it likes), Kama Chara (do what it wants)
and Kama Bhakshana (eat what it likes). Only mother can do this correction
using her love and affection. This is called as Adhisheela shikshana. After 8
years, the child has to go to Gurukula and learn under the guidance of a Guru.
Gurukula education is for 12 years after which the boy/girl naturally is in Yauvvana
stage and enters into Grihasta Ashrama.
Grihasta Ashrama:
Grihasta Ashrama is the time when an individual leads a
family life, performs all the duties of householder, earns resources in a
righteous way, educates children, takes care of family and also the society. Grihasta
is the backbone of society; this usually goes on till one attains 50-60 years.
Karma is the corner stone in this Ashrama.
Vanaprastha Ashrama:
In Vanaprasta, Tapas is the key. Having entered
Vanaprasta, one should lead a life without getting trapped in family chakra
(chores). Mind should be redirected towards Tapas. When the time comes, one
should leave this world without any attachment, with the help of Yoga. Nowadays, instead of
Yoga, its Roga with which people leave this world.
* Brahmacharya Ashrama,
Jnana is the corner stone,
Gurukula is the domain, (8+12
* Grihasta Ashrama,
Karma is
the corner stone,
One's home itself is the
domain, (usually ends around 50-60 years)
* Vanaprasta Ashrama,
Dhyana is the corner stone,
Punya kshetras are the
domain, (till the death)
* Fourth one is Sanyasa,
Tapas is the key here,
there is no domain or time
fixed for this.
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