Tuesday 7 March 2017

Asana and Meditation in Bhagavadgita

The Sixth Chapter is very important from the Yoga perspective. Shlokas 11 to 17, starting from शुचौ देशे... till युक्ताहारविहारस्य... portray important aspects of Yoga. If we look at 11th to 14th shlokas, Krishna describes how one should sit in a clean place, in a stable posture, erect with backbone and neck aligned in a straight-line and with one-pointed awareness. Here, Asana has been spoken of as a preparation for one to achieve Dharana and Dhyana. Even Sage Swathmarama, has elaborated about such characteristics in his Hathayoga Pradipika. Sage Patanjali describes this with one Sutra, Sthiram sukham asanam. Having done Asana in this way, mind gets fixated on one thought, finally leading to unperturbed state of mind. This is the Climax of Yoga practice.

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